5 days and a tangent

2008 29 April

So I know Peace Corps is a huge thing and blah blah blah. However, I’ve already started planning my next adventure. I’ve decided when I get out of Peace Corps, whenever that is, I’m going to ride my bike from Denver to Maine. I’m not going to do it to advocate anything, just because I want to do it. If I ride about 50 miles a day, it would only take me around 44 days. If I left during the beginning of the summer, the only place I would have to worry about rotten weather is in Colorado. That’d be a fun trip to do. So when Peace Corps is over, that’s the next thing on my plate.

Yesterday I finally picked up all those bare essentials. You know – soap, toothpaste, earplugs, etc, etc. So that really should mean I’m all wrapped up with things I need to get. It also means that I can start packing now, which I’m not going to. Pretty much all I have to locate now are those stupid, trivial things I’m going to bring to decorate my living area. I think I’m going to bring my Slovenian flag because…hey, it’s Slovenia. Good enough reason for me. I’d bring my Prague tram numbers if they didn’t take up a ridiculous amount of room.

So I take off on Sunday at god-awful-hour o’clock in the morning. My as of now agenda looks like this:

Today – Gym, Lunch with Yuki, Trivia with Phil (The Gogginistas!)
Wednesday: Gym, Haircut, Maybe hang out with Steph (?)
Thursday: Gym, Probably stuff with Louise, or something
Friday: Gym, Alan wants me to come to his random party, baseball game (?)
Saturday: Gym, Putz around, Swell Season concert with Phil, drinks with Phil (?)

That’s enough to plan for now.