My last Geeks Who Drink quiz, Father Ted, Nonsense

2008 30 April

So yesterday I finished up all the nonsense regarding Peace Corps preparation. Now the only crucial thing I need to do is start packing – which will happen at 1 AM on Sunday. If I don’t have time to go ballistic and worry about what to bring, you really think about exactly what will be necessary for the trip. I’m going to try to fit everything into one bag. This is obviously idealistic, but I imagine if I really cut down on all the non-essentials (aka everything), I should fit it all. If not, I think a small 2nd bag would probably suffice, but again, that’s a situation I’d like to avoid.

Yuki, Alex, and I went out for one last indulgent lunch yesterday (though I ended up seeing Yuki today anyway), and then afterwards I came home and packed/cleaned my room…actually, I was just looking for a DVD I want to burn onto my comp before I go. Best of Youth! Check it out! Then Phil came over and proceeded to be enlightened with the newest Ladytron album as well as a wide array of other amazing music I listen to – even the terrible Tapes ‘n Tapes album! Not only did I bless his ears with music, I showed him the greatest sitcom ever to hit a television, or YouTube – Father Ted. To give a brief summary, it’s about Father Ted, an Irish priest who lives with 2 other priests on an island off the coast of Ireland. To sum it up – absolutely hysterical. To get a good idea of the series, you should check out the episode “Cigarettes and alcohol and rollerblading” on YouTube. It’ll be well worth your time.

Phil and I then headed over to the Irish Snug for my last trivia night where we sported awesome sombreros and the appropriate team name of “The Gogginistas.” However Dicker, the quizmaster, flaunted his amazing illiteracy and irrational loyalty to horrible sports teams (namely the Yankees) by spelling our team name “The Gagginoistas.” Thanks Dicker, that was…dickish. The trivia round was a pretty easy one (save the music rounds that Phil and I always suck it up on), so we didn’t do so hot. If only we’d watched Pee Wee’s big adventure more recently – we might’ve had a chance! Since it was my last trivia night and Snug appearance, we headed to the bar for one last beer. Strangely enough I saw a guy from my gym – so now I’ve got the hookup at the bar. Too bad it happened now. I don’t get it, nobody talks to me at the gym for 6 years, then suddenly in the last 2 weeks everybody has something to ask me. Go figure.

For whatever reason, I was up at 5 AM this morning. Since I had a haircut at 9, I figured I’d go to the gym and get it over with. I was Speedy Gonzalez and got it all over with quick enough to go home and have a second breakfast – now that’s efficiency! After the haircut, I headed over to Yuki’s to do what we typically do at his house – improvise. So that killed a good 8 hours and brings me to now.

I think I might head over to GW tomorrow one last time.

With hats as awesome as these, I didn’t even care about not winning. We won by showing up – showing everyone up.

5 days and a tangent

2008 29 April

So I know Peace Corps is a huge thing and blah blah blah. However, I’ve already started planning my next adventure. I’ve decided when I get out of Peace Corps, whenever that is, I’m going to ride my bike from Denver to Maine. I’m not going to do it to advocate anything, just because I want to do it. If I ride about 50 miles a day, it would only take me around 44 days. If I left during the beginning of the summer, the only place I would have to worry about rotten weather is in Colorado. That’d be a fun trip to do. So when Peace Corps is over, that’s the next thing on my plate.

Yesterday I finally picked up all those bare essentials. You know – soap, toothpaste, earplugs, etc, etc. So that really should mean I’m all wrapped up with things I need to get. It also means that I can start packing now, which I’m not going to. Pretty much all I have to locate now are those stupid, trivial things I’m going to bring to decorate my living area. I think I’m going to bring my Slovenian flag because…hey, it’s Slovenia. Good enough reason for me. I’d bring my Prague tram numbers if they didn’t take up a ridiculous amount of room.

So I take off on Sunday at god-awful-hour o’clock in the morning. My as of now agenda looks like this:

Today – Gym, Lunch with Yuki, Trivia with Phil (The Gogginistas!)
Wednesday: Gym, Haircut, Maybe hang out with Steph (?)
Thursday: Gym, Probably stuff with Louise, or something
Friday: Gym, Alan wants me to come to his random party, baseball game (?)
Saturday: Gym, Putz around, Swell Season concert with Phil, drinks with Phil (?)

That’s enough to plan for now.